Linen Decorative Wall Hanging with Vintage Hmong Tribal Vietnamese Cloth
This modern textile is hand spun & hand woven linen. It incorporates 2 types of traditionally hand dyed, hand embroidered and hand appliquée vintage textiles: cotton indigo squares (back panels of Hmong womens' hemp jackets), cut up and arranged around a central vertical rectangle (the collar of a Hmong woman's indigo jacket). When the jackets wear out the decorations are preserved and recycled because they are such beautiful and labor-intensive examples of traditional Vietnamese Hmong textile manufacture: The cloth of the squares is handspun, handwoven cotton. The background is dyed using a traditional batik indigo technique. The relief designs are very fine appliqués: very long thin red lines and small squares. This is a fine example of an artistic style which is disappearing.
The full wall hanging measures 18 1/2 x 27 1/2" (47 x 70 cm)