Vintage Kotu Textile from Vietnam
This is one of the most extraordinary textiles that we have come across. Hand woven in the northern mountains of Vietnam, this cloth attributes its stunning quality from its very small, white glass beads. Many textiles that feature beads have them sewn onto the textile after it is completed, however, these beads are handwoven directly into the cloth. This process is very tedious because it requires the weaver to count the threads to maintain a pattern of symmetry and straight lines, which create stunning patters. It is difficult to calculate just how long it took to make these textiles, mainly because it was done a long time ago. Lucky for us, these textiles were definitely made for special occasions, which kept them in a state of preservation until we were fortunate enough to obtain them.
It is unfortunate that textiles of this quality simply are not able to be reproduced with level of quality today. However, in the meantime we can still cherish the quality that this textile offers and treat it as a work of art.
This textile measures 57 x 59" (145 x 150 cm)